1123 - Web Ambulatory; The Tale of Two Go Lives

Everyone who is preparing for the 6X implementation is concerned about Web Ambulatory (Web Amb), and rightfully so. It is the first web-based module from MEDITECH. All first generations systems have their issues. MEDITECH has done a great job supporting the go lives by being on site extended times to address the issues.  If you are preparing for your Web Amb go live, you are probably wishing to ask others that have survived their go live:

Join us as we give insight and answer the questions that you have about your go-live plan for your facility. Cindy Willis, RN from Infinity HIT has supported two hospital systems with their Web Amb go lives.  She gives her takeaways from each site’s go lives. She will break down the wins and “if they had a rewind or do over”. She will include each site’s issues list as reported on the team calls, and then she will give you what would be a great smash-up of the two plans. The plan that might make your site’s go live go the smoothest of all the Web Amb go lives yet.

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